Crochet Storage Tips

Having the proper storage for your crochet supplies is very important. Not only will it protect your supplies from becoming damaged, but it will also make your crocheting projects easier. When it comes to finding the right storage solutions that work for you, take some time to examine all your options. Look at options that are easy to use and easy to find. Here are some storage ideas that work for me and that will work for you as well.

When people think of storage solutions, they often assume that the solutions are only for supplies you aren't currently using. However, storage solutions can also be used for your works in progress. For example, Tupperware containers can be used to hold yarn that you are currently working with, so that the yarn doesn't become tangled or dirty. Start by selecting a Tupperware container that has a lid that comes off. This will allow you to put the yarn in the container very easily. Then, put the lid back on the container and pull the strand of yarn through a tab opening on the lid. The yarn comes out very easily and you won't have to worry about it falling on the floor anymore.

Avoid putting yarn in storage containers, such as tote bags, that have Velcro tabs on them. When you pull out your yarn, it will most likely brush against the Velcro tab and become snagged and distorted. The yarn will then be ruined and you won't be able to use it. The only time that you can use storage containers with Velcro would be if the yarn were kept in a separate bag, plastic or fabric, so that there is no chance of the yarn touching the Velcro tabs.

Be creative and imaginative when looking for storage solutions. Storage solutions that are created specifically for crocheting or crafting tend to be more expensive than solutions that are created as general storage. For example, use photo boxes to store hooks, needles and scissors. Another example is to use a pencil holder that has been divided into several sections. Each section can then be used to hold crochet hooks of the same size.

Tote bags with multiple compartments are a terrific way to stay organized, since each compartment can hold different items. If you don't have a tote bag, one alternative is to use cosmetic bags of various sizes. Select one very large cosmetic bag to hold several smaller bags. The smaller bags will act like the compartments of the tote bag, with each one holding a different item, such as hooks or sewing supplies.

Whether you are using a tote bag or several cosmetic bags, both storage solutions have several advantages. The main advantage is that all of your supplies are kept together in one place, making them quick and easy to find. Another advantage is that your supplies are now portable for when you want to travel somewhere. Instead of taking a lot of time to gather everything together, all you have to do is grab the bags and go. A third advantage is that if you use a tote bag for your current project, then supplies won't get lost or misplaced.

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